EnglishNorsk Bokmål

Privacy Statement

Updated: 19.12.2023
We care about your privacy.
This Privacy Statement at biogy.no is intended to assist you as a visitor at biogy.no to understand which Personal
Data we collect, why we collect Personal Data, how we use Personal Data, and which rights you do have as a user.
Biogy Solutions AS organization number 931 825 763 with business address at Eldøyane 177. 5411 Stord Norway
is the Controller for the processing of Personal Data as described in this Privacy Statement.
You can contact us at post@biogy.no

Personal data we collect

By visiting biogy.no, we will be able to collect two types of data:
  • Non-personal Data: comprises information which is necessary for our website to function when you navigate in it and cannot be used to identify or contact you. This is information such as your domain name, browser type, operating system, and information such as the website that referred you to us, the pages you visited, and the dates/times of those visits, and other anonymous statistical data involving the use of our website.
  • Personal Data: is information that identifies you or can be used to identify or contact you, that you deliberately share with us when you request to interact with us through the website. This is the type of data we receive from you when you contact us by e-mail, submit a request on our contact form, or when you apply for a job. Personal Data is collected only with your knowledge and permission and is retained by Biogy in a secure manner. Personal information you provide via contact form to us is automatically sent to us as email and is solely used to follow-up your request. Information provided by job applicants is only used and stored for the purpose of the recruitment process.



We use cookies at biogy.no. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer when loading a
webpage. The cookies allow us to understand the behavior of users visiting our website, so that we can improve
our user experience. The cookies also allow us to monitor and address actions taken and thus provide better
pages. Most web browsers automatically accept these files, but they could also be turned off, should the user
want to.
At nettvett.no you can read about cookies and see how you manage them in your own browser.
We use Google Analytics to get statistics on how visitors navigate and use our web pages. We do not store any
personal information about this.

Legal basis for processing personal data

Upon visiting biogy.no, you agree that Biogy may place cookies and process Personal Data as described in this
Privacy Statement, in accordance with The Electronic Communications Act (ekomloven) § 2-7 b.
You can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting saved cookies in the settings of your browser. All browsers
make it possible to restrict the use of cookies or to disable them using the browser settings. Withdrawal of
consent does not affect the lawfulness of treatment until the consent is withdrawn.

Disclosure of personal data to third parties

Personal Data collected through cookies at biogy.no is not disclosed to third parties, except to our IT-service
provider which is subject to Biogy’s policy, and process Personal Data in instructions from Biogy. The services used
at biogy.no are provided by suppliers who are subject to data processing agreements and process Personal Data
on instructions from Biogy.

Your rights

If Biogy processes personal data about you, you have the right to request access to the personal data for which
Biogy is the controller for. You may also request corrections, erasure, and restriction in the processing of personal
data in accordance with applicable data privacy legislation.
Requests as mentioned above may be submitted to post@biogy.no.
If you are of the opinion that Biogy has failed to comply with your privacy rights, you are within your right to
submit a complaint to the applicable data protection authority (Datatilsynet).

Changes to this privacy statement

Biogy reserves the right to adjust and modify this Privacy Statement.